All songs and lyrics on Stories to Lyrics are © 2011 Sarah Fawn McLamb - Phonlam Productions

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Canterbury Song - A song for Christchurch, New Zealand

On February 22, 2011 an earthquake hit Christchurch, NZ. Many lost their homes, their loved ones, or their own lives in this devastation. My brother lost one of his friends in the earthquake, Rachel Conley. I never met her, but through the eyes of my brother and his friends, I have come to love her too.

Many don't realize that the dire situation continues in Christchurch, they have had more damaging aftershocks in recent weeks, and the cost of recovery and repair has crippled the community. Please keep the people of Christchurch, NZ in your prayers. If you are able, you can make a donation to the New Zealand Red Cross here:

I wrote "Canterbury Song" as a prayer for all of those affected and in memory of Rachel. If it touches your heart,  respond to that by making a donation at the link above!

Canterbury Song - By Sarah Fawn McLamb
Copyright 2011 Phonlam Productions

Candles glowing in the night. 
Grief is closing in, but our spirits still fight.
Don’t let the dawn come without our prayers.
Keep our hearts open for miracles.
Lord, we know that you are stronger than this.
Lord, we know that you are bigger.
Hearts are breaking souls are closing doors. 
Reach into them and break apart dark night. 
Candles glowing in the night.
Some for hope and some for memories.
Lord, bless those who weep.
And comfort those who mourn.
Surround them gently with Your peace.
Hear us all from here on our knees.
Lord, we know that you are stronger than this.
Lord, we know that you are bigger.
Be here with us, never let us go.
Yours is the sweetest comfort we’ll ever know. 

Listen to "Canterbury Song" - 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Behind the lyrics of "Need An Angel"

My first single has been released! This is an exciting time for me! Follow this link to my song on iTunes:​um/need-an-angel-single/id4474​61510

Many people have asked what I wrote the song about, so here are the answers!

With most of my songs, the chorus comes to me first. It usually is just how I'm feeling that day. "Need An Angel" was no different. Sometimes, we just need an angel! I know many times in my life that I felt like everything was too much for me, and I just called on God. The great news is that He is always there when we call him! The day I wrote the chorus was a day that I was going too many places at once with too much to do and screaming toddlers. I needed an Angel!

Verse One is about no one in's just a story that came to me. I believe that inspiration for my lyrics are messages from God to someone that I may never meet. Somewhere, there is a woman driving down the highway looking for peace, and maybe she'll hear this song and pray to God. :-)

Verse Two is about when my oldest son was born. I had pre-eclampsia and he had meconium in his amniotic fluid. It was a little scary, but we had a great team of doctors and prayer on our side. I'm sure that Angels surrounded that delivery room.

If you ever need an angel, call on the Lord! He will surely hear your cries and send an angel to your side. His love and warmth will surround you in all your times of need, you need only close your eyes and hit your knees!

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Portrait of You

In August 2010 I wrote a post about a song that I was writing about Jesus and what my portrait of him would look like. This is that song. Sharing my faith is not always easy. Sometimes the moment passes me by. Sometimes I'm too afraid to step on someone's toes. I have always thought that if people could just 'see' Jesus the way that I 'see' Him, then they would fall in love. My prayer is that maybe this song will lead someone to Christ. If you know of someone that you don't know how to witness to, please feel free to share this video. I may not be a great artist, but I pray that God can use my music.